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HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination

HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination

Get ready to pass both the HESI exit exam and the NCLEX-RN® exam! HESI Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN® Examination, 6th Edition provides a complete, all-in-one review of the information you need to know. Written in an easy-to-read outline format, this study guide reviews content by concepts and clinical areas. Along the way, valuable tips from HESI help you apply principles of clinical decision-making and critical thinking. With more than 900 practice questions in both study and exam formats, the Evolve companion website lets you practice test-taking in the same electronic format you will experience on your nursing school exit exam and on the NCLEX-RN exam.
  • Over 900 NCLEX practice questions on the Evolve website include alternate item formats, simulating the experience of taking the nursing school exit exam and the NCLEX-RN exam.
  • HESI Hint boxes highlight important clinical information and concepts commonly tested on the NCLEX-RN exam.
  • Critical thinking study questions include answers and rationales, reinforcing your understanding of key concepts and content.
  • Fill-in-the-blank and prioritizing questions mirror the alternate item format item types included on the NCLEX-RN exam.
  • Chapters organized by clinical area make it easier to search for review topics.
  • Consistent chapter format makes it easy to find the topics within each chapter. 
  • Pharmacology tables summarize the need-to-know drug therapy content emphasized on the NCLEX-RN exam.
  • NEW! UPDATED content includes clinical updates and reflects the latest NCLEX-RN test plan.
  • NEW! Additional 300 NCLEX practice questions on the Evolve companion website help you prepare more effectively for the HESI exit exam and for the NCLEX-RN exam.
  • NEW! Clinical Judgment Scenario includes practice Next Generation NCLEX question types.

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Reading is important because it develops our thoughts, gives us endless knowledge and lessons to read while keeping our minds active. Reading books to help us learn and understand and makes us smarter, not to mention the knowledge, vocabulary and thinking skills we develop.
In the world today where information are abundant, reading books is one of the best ways to be informed. Though reading might seem like simple fun, it can be helping your body and mind without you even realising what is happening. What makes reading so important? It can be for these reasons and not just knowledge. 
For those who don’t enjoy it, you might change your mind after hearing about the benefits. Can something so easy and fun be so helpful in your life? Of course, it can! Reading can be a great benefit to you in many different ways—such as sharpening your mind, imagination, and writing skills. With so many advantages, it should be an everyday occurrence to read at least a little something.
Books can hold and keep all kinds of information, stories, thoughts and feelings unlike anything else in this world. Can words, paragraphs, and fictional worlds be all that great for you and your health? It definitely can, and it is a timeless form of entertainment and information.


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