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MCAT Self-Study Toolkit 2020-2021: Complete 7-Book Subject Review

MCAT Self-Study Toolkit 2020-2021: Complete 7-Book Subject Review + 6 Practice Tests + Adaptive Qbank (Kaplan Test Prep)

MCAT Self-Study Toolkit 2020-2021 . The most advanced MCAT study and practice tools available (a $733 value)--all in one integrated system.
MCAT Complete 7-Book Subject Review 2020-2021 set provides comprehensive content review and strategies 
2,900+ question Adaptive Qbank with targeted, personalized practice adjusting to your skill level as you work so you won't waste a minute
6 full-length practice tests delivered through a realistic online test interface and complete with in-depth explanations and detailed score reports 

You'll get efficient strategies, detailed subject review, 6 full-length online practice tests, and a 2,000+ question Adaptive Qbank--all authored by the experts behind the MCAT prep course that has helped more people get into medical school than all other major courses combined.

Efficient Strategies and In-Depth Review
New to this edition: Guided Examples with Expert Thinking in our Behavioral Sciences, Biochemistry, and Biology books present scientific articles and walk you through challenging open-ended questions.
New to this edition: Entirely revamped CARS content with updated methods for the latest exam challenges 
High Yield badges indicate the most testable content based on AAMC materials
Concept summaries that boil down the need-to-know information in each chapter, including any necessary equations to memorize
Full-color, 24-page MCAT Quicksheets emphasize the most important information in visual form
Chapter Profiles indicate the degree to which each chapter is tested and the testmaker content categories to which it aligns
Charts, graphs, diagrams, and full-color, 3-D illustrations from Scientific American help turn even the most complex science into easy-to-visualize concepts.

Expert Guidance
Sidebars illustrate connections between concepts and include references to more information, real-world tie ins, mnemonics, and MCAT-specific tips
Comprehensive subject review written by top-rated, award-winning Kaplan instructors who guide you on where to focus your efforts and how to organize your review.
All material is vetted by editors with advanced science degrees and by a medical doctor.
We know the test: The Kaplan MCAT team has spent years studying every MCAT-related document available, and our experts ensure our practice questions and study materials are true to the test

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